Who am I? And what can I do for you?

I am Myriam Visram – a luxembourgish, english, european “meltingpot” citizen of the world. Amongst many other things I am a multi-lingual scientist with a BSc in Forensic sciences and a MSc and PhD in biochemistry and molecular biomedicine. I use my knowledge in human lipid metabolism to design new recipes, that are based in my multi-cultural back-ground. My passions are cooking for people, eating good food, traveling and enjoying the thrill of meeting new people. Because in the end – that is the only thing that matters!
I have 3 goals with this blog designed to help you in some way:
- I do what I love (I cook) to give you and your friends and family inspiration to cook quick and good food. I am also trying to develop a specific fusion cuisine that originates in my multi-national, multi-lingual, multi-religious and mixed-race background.
- I want to give you tips & tricks to make your life easier – let me plan your meals for you or let me show you how some kitchen hacks will make your cooking much easier.
- I want to share truthful and accurate information about the chemistry and biochemistry of your food and your every day life. The internet is so full of misinformation – I stand with my name and my education for what I state!
So don’t be shy – roam around. I would be thrilled if you registered for my newsletter – a weekly email that gives you news about new posts, developments and freebies.